Please read our car minimum requirements before listing your car.
Vehicles Must:
- Be legally registered in Jamaica
- Be no more than 10 years old when listing (aged out at 13 years old)
- Have fewer than 175,000 km (109,375 miles)
- Pass an inspection check
- Fuel is gas, diesel, hybrid, or electric powered
- Have seat belts in working condition
Ineligible Vehicles:
The following is an illustrative list of cars that are NOT eligible for listing. You can find the extensive decline car listing here:
- Box Trucks
- Construction Equipment
- Farm Equipment
- GEM or similar vehicles not designed for highway use
- Limousines
- Motorcycles
- Recreational cars (RC)
- Cars requiring a commercial license to operate legally on public roads
- Cars valued over $15M JMD
Owners Must
Ensure that their vehicles meet all the above requirements and all legal requirements for Jamaica and maintain their cars and get an inspection every 6 - 9 months so cars continue to meet our standards as they age